Individuals who have overdosed are being left to die because those around them are afraid to call for help. Having an overdose reversal drug in your first aid kit could save your child… a friend… even a neighbor. It’s called naloxone and it’s saving thousands of lives in Arizona.
What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a medication designed to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose. It is an opioid antagonist—meaning that it binds to opioid receptors and can reverse and block the effects of other opioids. It can very quickly restore normal respiration to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped as a result of overdosing with fentanyl, heroin, or prescription opioid pain medications. Naloxone is not effective in treating overdoses of methamphetamine or cocaine.
How Does It Work?
Shomari Jackson, with the South Mountain WORKS coalition, discusses the opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone and more during this brief training.
Where Can You Get It?

Click below for community distribution sites for naloxone. The interactive map will help you find the closest site to your location.